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Featured Rotameters

Glass Tube Rotameters

Glass tube variable area flow meters (Rotameters) from Veksler Instrumentss combine accuracy with robust glass body construction.

Bypass rotameters

Veksler Bypass Rotameters are the most economical solution for flow measurement in large pipe lines and for large rate of flow.

Metal Tube Rotameters

Rugged, robust and inexpensive Metal Tube Rotameters that can be used for opaque and turbid fluids at high operating temperature and pressures.

Low Volume Acrylic Body Rotameter

Veksler (ABR-19) Low Volume Acrylic Body Rotameters are designed for general non-corrosive applications.

High Volume Acrylic Body Rotameter

Veksler High Volume Acrylic Body Rotameters are sturdy and precise and are designed for use with water, air and inert gases.

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